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Food Handlers Training Certificates for Anyone, Anytime.

 The ANAB Accredited Food Handlers Card and Certificates from Food Handler Classes is nationally accredited and is valid in all states that accept ANAB Accredited Food Handler Training Certificates.

States that accept the ANAB Accredited FHC certificate from this course include:

  • Arizona
  • California*
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas (Wichita)
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nevada**
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • North Dakota
  • South Carolina
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia

However, other states may accept this certificate. Please check with your local health departments to verify acceptance.

* The State of California is now accepting this ANAB Accredited FHC food handlers card course for food handler training certificate. The food handler certificate provided upon completion of this food handlers course is not valid in Riverside, San Bernardino, or San Diego Counties at this time.

** Nevada only accepts the FHC ANAB certificate in the southern portion of the state.  Please review https://foodhandlerclasses.com/nevada/ for details.

Food Handlers Training Certificates for Anyone, Anytime.

FHC Reseller: Philmont Scout Ranch

Philmont Scout Ranch is the Boy Scouts of America’s largest National High-Adventure Base. Born in 1938 as Philturn Rocky Mountain Scout Camp, Philmont has become a bustling center for high adventure and training. It covers 140,177 acres of rugged mountain wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rocky Mountains in northeastern New Mexico. Ancient Native Americans chipped petroglyphs into canyon walls. Spanish conquistadors explored the Southwest long before the first colonists arrived on the Atlantic coast. The rugged breed of mountain man such as Kit Carson blazed trails across this land. The great land barons like Lucien Maxwell built ranches along the Santa Fe Trail. Miners, loggers and cowboys have all left their mark on Philmont’s unique history.

Philmont Scout Ranch operates 35 staffed camps and 55 trail camps across the rugged terrain that range in elevation from 6,500 to 12,441 feet. More than 1 million scouts, venturers, and advisors have experienced the adventure of Philmont since its first camping season in 1939. Most activities take place during the summer, but Philmont also offers programs during the off season such as Autumn and Winter Adventure. Throughout its existence, conscientious attention to low-impact camping techniques and diligent wildlife and forestry conservation work has helped maintain Philmont’s wilderness.

In addition to providing an unforgettable adventure in backpacking across miles of rugged, rocky trails, Philmont Scout Ranch offers programs that feature the best of the old west—horseback riding, burro packing, gold panning, chuckwagon dinners, and interpretive history—with exciting challenges for today such as rock climbing, mountain biking, and sport shooting. It’s an unbeatable recipe for fast-paced fun in the outdoors.

About the FHC Program

Skip the line and start studying for your food handlers exam in minutes.
Our support staff is here to help every step of the way.
Your food handlers card and certificate of completion is always available online.
Recognized and accepted throughout The United States!
Track your Food Handlers progress.
Review Food Handler's certificiate whenever needed.
Use the QR code to verify Food Handlers certificates

Please note the following concerning FHC Food Handlers Card Program

Though our food handlers certificate is valid throughout the State of United States, you may be required to transfer or register the food handler certificate with your local health department. If you're not sure, please be sure to contact them regarding this issue.

The food handlers card training you need without the hassle

Simple and Secure

Simple and Secure

FHC, Food Handler Classes, FoodHandlerClasses.com offers an easy and elegant way to obtain your ANAB accredited food handler training certificate at minimal cost and effort to you.

Food Handler Training Evolved

Food Handler Training Evolved

Gone are the days of attending food handler and food safety physical classes to become food handler certified. Our online food handlers training program can be completed in a shorter time, and at your own pace!

Nationally Accredited

Nationally AccreditedNationally Accredited

FHC, Food Handler Classes, food handlers card program is recognized nationwide and is ANAB accredited. That means you can be sure our online food handlers certificates represent quality food handler training at the highest level.

Print your food handlers certificate today!

Study the food safety material and pass the food handlers exam for your food handlers card and certificate.

It's that easy.

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