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Carrot Aguachile
A recipe for aguachile made with carrot juice

This recipe can be found at El Restaurante

Recipe courtesy of Javier Plascencia, Bracero Cocina de Raiz, San Diego

Makes 1 serving

1 c. carrot juice

½ ghost pepper

1 lemon lemon juice

1 lime lime juice

1 T. salt

2 T. green onion

6  Persian cucumbers, sliced

3 T. cashews, roasted and crushed

10 slices red onions, julienne

8 slices carrot, sliced mandoline lengthwise

2 oz. Ahi tuna

2 oz. Media Luna Scallops

½ tsp smoked roe

Blend carrot juice and ghost pepper together. Strain.

In a medium bowl, mix lemon juice, lime juice and carrot juice mixture. Add red onions, cucumbers and salt to the bowl. Add ahi and scallops to the bowl and mix together gently.

Place everything in desired serving dish. Garnish with green onions, cashews, smoked roe and carrot slices.